July 28, 2018

NEW Three Wine Men tour dates for 2018< back to Our Journal

For the fourth year in a row we're part of the Three Wine Men tour around the country. And this time we'll be in Cardiff too!

Dates and locations are:

- Cambridge, Sat 10th November
- Manchester, Sat 17th & Sunday 18th November
- London, Friday 23rd & Saturday 24th November
- Cardiff, Saturday 1st December

We're looking forward to the season of festive fun with wine experts Olly Smith, Oz Clarke and Tim Atkin MW plus Susy Atkins, Tom Surgey and Kate Goodman. Our new wines and current superstars will be amongst the hundreds of wines available for visitors to try on the day. 

It's a super day out! Don't miss it - for tickets visit threewinemen.com, we hope to see you there!

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